Certified Passivhaus Designer
Are you ready to design buildings that bridge the glaring performance gaps in our built environment?
Course Overview
The Designer course involves theory and calculations and applying all things architecture. It is for those wishing to model, design, and dive into the calculation of Passivhaus projects, such as:
Building design enthusiasts
Other built environment professionals
You will learn to design energy-efficient and cost-optimal buildings by implementing the Passivhaus standard in your projects and writing the Certified Passivhaus Designer/Consultant exam.
Included in this course is the PHPP Software, valued at $382 and an online course, valued at $950 where you’ll learn how to use the PHPP for residential building design and certification. Participants will be guided step-by-step through the relevant worksheets while learning the correct conventions for measurements and calculations, preparing them for real-world applications.
As of January 2025, the course content has been updated with APA trainers putting their expert knowledge forward to update Australian specific details while ensuring all content is covered for you to pass the CPHD/C exam.
CPD points are now available:
Architects: Informal 12 | Formal 20
Builders & Engineers: 32
Course Benefits
This course is designed to prepare you for writing the Certified Passivhaus Designer/Consultant (CPHD/C) exam. Some of the benefits of participating in the course include:
Learn insights not covered by the Passivhaus Design and Construction and PHPP course, including calculations and example exam questions.
Gain the necessary skills to design aesthetically pleasing and high-performing buildings.
Traditional construction has been proven ineffective and is outdated with building codes being increased across the nation. The CPHD/C course enables you to get well ahead of these code minimums, allowing you to future-proof your business and career.
Position yourself in a growing industry—the Passivhaus standard has grown astronomically across Australia and the globe. Additionally, consumer education in high-performance buildings is the highest it has been, with more demand to build Passivhaus buildings than the market can deliver.
Limit your liability and increase credibility by learning current best practices and building science to stay ahead of your competition.
Course Curriculum
Teaches you how to understand the principle of thermal envelopes, including a good perception of the heat insulation qualities required for a Passivhaus. This covers both the insulation thickness and quality and the prevention of thermal bridges as well as the relationship between extensive and complex thermal envelopes and the respective building costs.
Learn all facets of airtightness in Passivhaus such as:
Choosing suitable lightweight and solid structures in terms of airtightness.
Suitable airtight joints for lightweight, solid and mixed constructions.
Air sealing solutions in case of leakages at intersections.
Common potential weak spots.
The significance of the planning for a minimum level of “airtightness”.
Test procedures (airtightness test) and requirements.
Causes of basic leakages (e.g. holes from nails, power sockets, window connection joints, unrendered exterior wall surfaces, loose foil, unsealed openings, unsealed downpipes).
Permanent solutions for fixing these simple leakages.
How to assess difficult leakages (e.g. timber floor).
How problematic leakages can be avoided.
Gain an understanding of the principle of thermal envelopes, including a good perception of the heat insulation qualities required for a Passivhaus in terms of both the insulation thickness and quality and the prevention of thermal bridges as well as the relationship between extensive and complex thermal envelopes and the respective building costs.
Thermal bridging aspects you’ll cover include:
Understand the link between U-values and internal surface temperatures.
Gain familiarity with typical U-values of opaque building structures for Passivhaus in cool temperate climates.
Learn about the typical lightweight and solid structures suitable for Passivhaus’ in cool temperate climates.
Become aquatinted with thermal bridge coefficients (exterior and interior dimensions) and qualitative analyses of building envelopes in terms of potential thermal bridges.
Understand the principle of thermal bridge-free construction.
Quantitative evaluation of basic thermal bridges.
Gain knowledge of suitable insulating materials and their main characteristics.
In this unit, you’ll become acquainted with Ug, Uf and Ψg values, and the installation-based thermal bridge coefficient (Ψmount). You’ll cover:
• Differences between “Certified Passivhaus windows” and “approved (window) connection details”.
• Understanding of the thermal quality parameters for curtain wall systems.
• Understanding of the comfort criterion (interior surface temperature of Passivhaus suitable windows).
• Estimation and determination of frame ratios.
• Understanding of triple low-emissivity (low-e) glazing systems and knowledge of the main heat transfer mechanisms in windows (heat conduction through the filling gas, radiation of heat and low-e coating, convection).
• Understanding of the design and purpose of a window’s glass edge system.
• Why thermally optimised glass edge systems (warm-edge) are important.
• Solutions for reducing the thermal bridge coefficient at the edge of the glazing (warm-edge, deep glazing rebate).
• The properties required for a Passivhaus window (knowledge of all specific values and, if necessary, compensating radiators).
• Acquaintance with the PHPP window sheet.
In this unit, you’ll learn about the most important air contaminants in buildings. In particular, you’ll cover:
• Knowledge of the CO2 criterion.
• Determination of fresh air flow rates for adequate ventilation.
• The relationship between the relative indoor air humidity and sources of humidity inside the building, the rate of fresh air supply and the external temperature.
• The importance of limiting air flow even during winter. What can be done when higher ventilation rates are required for other urgent reasons?
• The driving forces of natural (non-mechanical) ventilation (qualitative understanding).
• Knowledge of types of natural ventilation such as joints and cracks, tilted windows, and open windows.
• The factors that will influence natural ventilation effects, i.e. typical air change rates (qualitative understanding).
• Why non-mechanical ventilation isn’t suitable for Passivhaus’ located in regions with a considerable amount of heating degree days (i.e. unreliability and heat losses).
Knowledge of the g-value definition according to EN 410, g-values expressed to two significant figures
• What is the difference between the g-value and light transmittance (ISO 9050)
• Knowledge of typical values for different types of glazing
• What other factors reduce the solar energy gain - (Angle of incidence, dirt, frame ratio, shading, reflection)
• Estimation and determination of frame ratios
• Simple examples of energy transmission through windows (cold day, heating period, summer)
• Knowledge of the energy criterion for glazing (Ug - 1.6 W/(m2K) · g ≤ 0) and its application;
• Knowledge of the influence of a building’s orientation on the solar energy supply
• Knowledge of typical self-shading effects of buildings on their solar energy supply
• Acquaintance with the PHPP shading sheet
• Knowledge of the heating load criterion; what is the difference between “heating load” and “space heating demand”
• Knowledge of the thermal comfort requirements [ISO 7730]
• What is the “operative temperature”
• How significant are draughts
• What is the maximum difference between the air temperature and average surface temperature in a Passivhaus (ability to calculate a simplified example and make qualitative estimations)
• Why is thermal comfort in a Passivhaus largely independent of the means of heat/cold distribution?
• Knowledge of typical heating loads
• Knowledge of typical heat distribution systems suitable for Passivhaus
• Under what conditions are radiators required beneath windows
• Ability to sketch a heat distribution system in the floor plan of a Passivhaus
• What factors need to be taken into account when considering air heater coils - (effective heating capacity based on the air flow rate; downstream duct insulation)
• Why can’t the supply air flow rate be increased
• How does the PHPP deal with heating loads
• What factors need to be taken into consideration when designing the heat distribution system and the central heat generator? (the total heating load must be accounted for)
• How and to what extent can temperature differences be achieved within a Passivhaus
• To what extent is the maximum heating load influenced by the following factors: large leakages, constantly tilted windows, temporary opening of windows, opening of the front door
• Knowledge of the limitations of supply air heat distribution systems (disconnected rooms, extract rooms); solutions for these cases
• Correct positioning of a thermostat within a dwelling unit
In this unit, you’ll gain a more in-depth understanding of various construction systems and quality assurance processes.
In particular, you’ll cover:
Initial instructions for craftsmen.
Special requirements concerning the work itinerary (e.g. application of interior plaster before installation of building services, application of screed after internal plaster).
Materials and services to be inspected and quality assurance methods.
Airtightness of surfaces and connection details/intersections.
Thermal bridge-free design, avoiding penetrations that do not figure in the plans.
Window installation, including frame and glazing qualities.
Thermal insulation, thermal conductivity of insulation materials, elimination of joints, and application without air gaps.
Air ducts: no leakages, layout / dimensions in accordance with plans, insulation, prevention of condensation and protection against construction dirt (antistatic).
Ventilation unit: installation according to plans, flow rate check /adjustment.
Space heating system: installation according to plans, complete insulation of heated pipes (including fixtures, pumps, etc.), running times of pumps, test run
Hot water system: installation according to plans, complete insulation of heated pipes (including fixtures, pumps, etc.), running times of pumps, and test runs.
Required quality assurance procedures (pressure test [appropriate timing], specific dates for the quality assurance for the window installation, airtight layer, insulation, air ducts, inspection of the ventilation unit).
Handing over the building at an appropriate interior temperature (warm in winter and cool in summer periods).
Learn about the payback period, present value method, and application of the annuity method in simple examples. Other topics include:
Correct determination of excess investment.
Life cycle assessment.
Cost-effective insulation levels.
Advantages of calculating the price of each kilowatt-hour saved (independent of energy prices).
• Familiarity with the metric system and decimal units.
• Acquaintance with standard symbols, quantities and units—in particular, the consistent use of units throughout the calculation process for the purpose of self-monitoring.
• Making a clear distinction between different physical quantities such as work and power, temperature and heat, etc.
In the online course, participants will learn how to use the PHPP for residential building design and certification. Participants will be guided step-by-step through the relevant worksheets while learning the correct conventions for measurements and calculations.
Proper documentation will also be covered in detail. A case study will provide participants with practical experience in completing and documenting PHPP calculations for building certification. This course is equivalent to the three-day in-class course, and you will have 3 months of access.
Learn the structure, inputs, and outputs of PHPP software.
Select and input appropriate climate data sets in PHPP.
Measure and record building characteristics (areas, volumes, etc.).
Specify building assemblies and components.
Model HVAC systems.
Assess building heat loss, energy demand and summertime overheating risk.
Understand proper sourcing of performance data.
Gain practical experience in completing a PHPP assessment for a residential development.
The exam is based on the following learning targets and includes multiple choice questions, construction details drawings, calculations, as well as a Passivhaus design exercise.
Once accredited, your certificate will be valid for 5 years and is internationally and nationally recognised.
Course Dates, Pricing and Registration
The Passivhaus Designer course (which includes the PHPP e-learning modules and software) is delivered online over 4 weeks with live sessions held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 am - 3 pm AEST. All prices are in AUD.
Certified Designer Course Start Dates
April 29, 2025
Early bird pricing ends: April 15, 2025
June 24, 2025
Early bird pricing ends: July 15, 2025
August 5, 2025
Registration Opens: May 2025
Early bird pricing ends: July 22, 2025
October 7, 2025
Registration Opens: April 2025
Early bird pricing ends: September 23, 2025
Certified Designer Course Pricing
APA Members save over 10% on this course. Apply today.
Early Bird Price: $3,375
Full Price: $3805Exam Prep: $380
Exam: $712.50
Early Bird Price: $3,775
Full Price: $4205Exam Prep: $400
Exam: $750
Payment Plans for Certified Passivhaus Courses
Secure your place on the training course with a part payment. The cost of the course can be split into 4, 6 or 8 payments.
Full payment must be received prior to attending the course.
If the course is full, positions will be reallocated when a payment schedule has fallen behind and has missed payments. If this happens, your spot will be reallocated to the next available date.
Contact our team at education@passivhausassociation.au to arrange your payment plan.
In-House Designer Training and Group Pricing Options
Many of our clients talk about the significant benefits of knowledge transfer with group training, as participants have a cohort to cross-reference lessons learnt and content by following the training during their practical application at work.
Our pricing is structured so that the more you have on board, the more you’ll save.
Get in touch today to see our group price offering.
Course FAQs
Yes, a company may be able to register their staff to attend this program. Discounts are available you have a company membership, for any staff listed in the membership's sub-profile, including discounts on courses and events. Once the staff member's sub-profile is activated, they can register for the course or event through their profile.
Yes. All sessions are recorded so that you can go back and review any challenging material for up to 6 months. This also ensures that you’re still able to participate in the course in the case of availability emergencies.
The course itself runs for 4 weeks. However, you will need to set aside additional time if you register for the exam preparation and writing the exam.
Yes. Prior to course commencement, you will be added to the online course group, available to you for 6 months, where you will receive all materials and resources you need to successfully complete the course and write the exam.
Yes. Besides the live training sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you will also have 6 months of access to an online discussion board where you can ask any course-related questions.
At times our department is required to combine courses or slightly shift dates due to unforeseen circumstances.
If this happens you will be added to the next course dates. For more detail on this please read our terms and conditions.
Our Educators
Walter is a Chartered Professional Mechanical Engineer, Registered Building Practitioner, and a Certified Passivhaus Consultant. He has experience in the design of high-performing HVAC systems and understands the important role they play in providing high indoor air quality and operating at energy-efficient levels to reduce energy consumption. Walter has designed all-electric net zero carbon buildings and is familiar with the key design requirements to successfully achieve energy targets and switch to all-electric buildings.
Marcus Strang is a specialist sustainability engineer and experienced Certified Passivhaus Designer, having had the opportunity to work on many Certified Passivhaus buildings in Australia. His expertise is in refining building energy performance, analysing thermal envelope junctions and fenestration details, as well as identifying interstitial and surface moisture risks using hygrothermal modelling tools. Marcus’s interests encompass holistic systems design, building physics, passive design optimisation and natural building materials. Currently, also a PhD Candidate specialising in the Passivhaus Standard and mass timber design, which he sees as a fundamental step for striving towards net-zero carbon emission buildings and a thriving, vibrant society.
Kylie is passionate about advocating for sustainability, designing buildings and educating others, she is a registered architect, director of BluKube Architecture and certified passive house designer. In 2022, Kylie achieved a ‘Smart Building Ideas – Innovation Award’ by Architecture & Designs Sustainability Awards for a Certified Classic Passive House she designed in the Northern Rivers of NSW.
In addition, she tutors at Sydney University, by sharing knowledge, she believes it is one of the ways in which using building science will make a positive difference in the built environment through younger generations of architects. Free time is enjoyed with her family and two young energetic mini foxies Theodore & Gustav. -
Matthew has 23+ years in the property, planning and construction industry include experience at all levels from contracting and design management to policy and client representation but is now focused on researching user perspectives from occupying high-performance buildings. Matthew is specifically focused on university workplace design and how perceptions of space differ between academics and professionals.
He also research’s sustainable housing design, development and construction. Matthew is an advocate for greater adoption of rigorous and proven measures to reduce carbon emissions in the property industry without sacrificing occupant wellbeing. Unsurprisingly, I am a certified Passivhaus building designer.
Matthew presently sits on the national standards committee for Indoor Air Quality committee at Standards Australia contributing to new and existing national air quality standards in Australia. He is also a member of the international research advisory group for the WELL building standard, and is involved in the Tertiary Education Facility Management Association (TEFMA) as a contributing committee member.
Fortunate to his work in many countries,Matthew’s cross-cultural experiences in combination with his strong understanding of the design, construction and user-centred operation of built environments now help inform the courses he leads and the research he conducts.
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