Publications and Submissions
Advocating for the delivery of Certified Passivhaus Buildings in Australia
Our Policy Priorities
Authentic, actions focused climate leadership
Closing the performance gap by mandating the validation and measurement of as-built performance for all existing and new buildings
Addressing the skills, education and knowledge deficits that impact building performance
Healthy buildings for all Australians
Support the supply chain for “high performance” buildings
6. Adopt a true efficiency first approach to mitigate the impact of climate change
7. Address the cost-of-living pressure with adequate-quality housing stock for Australia’s most vulnerable
8. Fast track the pathway to net zero building stock
9. Retrofit first
The Passivhaus Playbook
A nine-step process for a technically feasible, buildable, cost-effective Passivhaus approach to new buildings in Australia. Published in 2023.
Read the Passivhaus Playbook -
Unlocking the value
A practical guide to sustainable finance in the Australian real estate sector.
Read Unlocking the value -
Ratings Snapshot
A brief outline of key objectives, scope, governance and assessment processes of different rating tools. Published in 2021.
Passivhaus in Australia
Why these healthy, comfortable and resilient buildings should be our new normal. Published in 2020.
Productivity Commission, Consultation - Housing Construction Productivity (December 2024)
Statement, Industry and Built Environment Stakeholders Call on the Building Ministers to Stay The Course on the NCC (December 2024)
Response to Consultation on the Home Energy Ratings Disclosure Framework V2, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (August 2024)
SA - Industry Associations Response to Ten Year NCC Freeze Decision, Public Statement (August 2024)
Budget Response, Minister for Climate Change and Energy (June 2024)
Budget Response, Minister for Housing and Homelessness (June 2024)
NCC 2025 Update, Australian Building Codes Board (June 2024)
VIC - Continuing Professional Development for Builders and Plumbers, Victorian Building Authority (April 2024)
SA - Draft Integrated Climate Strategy, City of Adelaide (March 2024)
SA - Inquiry into Environmental Social and Governance Initiatives, Natural Resources Committee (February 2024)
Proposed Amendments to AS 1668.2:2023—The Use of Ventilation and Air-Conditioning in Buildings, Standards Australia (January 2024)
Government and Industry Consultation
The Australian Passivhaus Association represents over 17,000 stakeholders ranging from asset owners, to designers, builders, product manufacturers, educators, Government and more. We are members of a global network of Passivhaus advocates. Our policy submissions rely upon industry research, the data and experiences of our members both locally and abroad. Requests for submission responses should be directed to consultation@passivhausassociation.au