Australia’s Largest Practical Training Day

  • Join us a day before the THRIVE 2025 Passivhaus Conference for an immersive hands-on training experience designed for tradespeople, designers, and professionals working on Certified Passivhaus projects.

    Start the day with Wade Bashaw (North South Homes) as MC, followed by expert insights on airtightness, weather tightness, and mechanical ventilation from Daniel Jakobs (pro clima) and Joel Seagren (Fantech).

    A Q&A session with Marcus Strang (Hip V Hype) and Luc Plowman (Detail Green) will uncover common mistakes in Passivhaus construction.

    After lunch, attendees will have hands-on training using pro clima materials and how to create airtight wall penetrations, wrap penetration walls and external walls, and window preparation, plus a short presentation on the importance of windows in a Passivhaus building and a live window installation demonstration by Siegware.

    Wrap up the day with Jessica Allen (Climasure) on CIRS & mould-related illnesses, and Brian Guinan (ISMART Building Group) & Joe Mercieca (Blue Eco Homes) sharing insights on starting a Passivhaus.


    • Anyone who has completed a Passivhaus Certified course, looking to receive some hands-on experience.

    • Trades people who are working alongside a Certified Tradesperson, on a Certified Passivhaus project.

    • Certified Designers looking to improve their ability to working with trades on a Certified Passivhaus project.


    • Hear tips and tricks on aspects like wrapping, windows, ventilation, MVHR and more!

    • See & feel materials used in the construction of a Passive House

    • Get hands on experience

    • The opportunity to ask questions to some of Australia top Passivhaus contributors


    Where: Better Building Exchange, Brunswick VIC

    When: Wednesday, 18 June 2025

    Time: 10am - 5pm

    Cost: $450 Non-Members | $350 Members

    Lunch and afternoon tea included.

Thursday, June 19

> Program- Day One

  • Dismantling traditional rental norms and redefining modern living, MODEL’s mission is to cultivate environments with no compromise between self-care, community well-being, and environmental sustainability. 

    MODEL brings a fresh interpretation of the housing landscape by playing in the golden space where socially and environmentally responsible housing meet. They create spaces that not only cut down on environmental impact but also prioritise residents’ wellbeing. With a combined development cost of $250 million across our first two projects, they are currently delivering 400 residences to the market, including 10% affordable units, helping meet the Victorian government’s housing goals. By the end of 2025 the team aim to have 1000 Passivhaus apartments underway.  

    Designed for Passivhaus Certification, using mass timber, and achieving a 6 Green Star Rating, will set a global standard in lowering carbon emissions. Importantly, these projects are investable and can be scaled out across Australia, attracting global capital. 

    This presentation will deliver an overview of: 

    • Their business model, values and drivers  

    • How the team have presented the projects and the Passivhaus Standard to attract Global finance 

    • An overview of the two projects currently underway 

    Join Phil Shelley, Richard Stokes and David Mahony as they delve into our innovative approach, share successes, and explore the impact of our work in transforming the rental landscape. Discover how MODEL is not just changing where people live, but how they live, in ways that benefit all. 

  • This presentation explores the journey of integrating Passivhaus Standard into the  design of a Steiner School’s new kindergarten for 180 children and classroom building. 

    Currently in the design phase, our speaker and WA Chapter Co-Chair, Ben Caine will take you through the process and experience he undertook to ensure the Passivhaus Standard was accepted as a part of the project.  

    He will provide an in-depth overview of the following stakeholder journeys and crucial areas of alignment that make Passivhaus stick including: 

    • Engaging the school council: Comprising of parents and the School Principal, Passivhaus was presented through a process of gradual education. The client education process included covering the Passivhaus lifecycle, procurement methodology, health, and marketing benefits. 

    • Addressing initial concerns and resistance: We addressed initial concerns, primarily around financial feasibility and market delivery capabilities and market engagement styles. 

    • The hook: Through open dialogue, we connected Passivhaus benefits—such as enhanced indoor air quality and energy efficiency—with the holistic principles of Steiner pedagogy and anthroposophy. The long-term health benefits for children will position the school as a forward-thinking institution for new Steiner parents. 

    This case study illustrates how the Passivhaus standard can harmonise with alternative educational philosophies, ultimately creating a healthier learning environment and  setting a new benchmark for sustainable schools. 

  • A great time to mingle with each other and speak to our sponsors and exhibitors.

  • Thermal performance is verified indirectly through insulation datasheets and photos of installed insulation.  There is no post-construction experimental measurement of overall thermal performance of Passivhaus buildings.  

    Using an objective measurement of building thermal performance that may help to redress this shortcoming.  These measures are related to the heat retention time and is a proxy indicator of thermal performance in much the same way that the 0-100 km/h acceleration time of cars is used by consumers as a proxy of vehicle performance.  Such a measure may be used to differentiate Passivhaus buildings from code-minimum, solar passive and other building types. 

    This presentation will describe the measurement of heat retention time using data from residential dwellings in Australia, varying from older homes to certified Passivhaus dwellings.  The method relies only upon temperature data indoors and outdoors overnight, so can be readily and inexpensively measured.  Guidance will be given as to what would be considered normal for a low and high performance building so that home owners, builders and architects can use it for quality assurance, benchmarking and for marketing. 

    Speakers: Cameron Munro & Harley Truong

  • TBC

  • Geoff Marsdon, Bondor

  • Speaker: Alex Slater

    Topic: To Be Announced Soon

  • Finally drawing a line in the sand about what can and cannot be called a Passivhaus, in 2025 the Australian Passivhaus Association launched its guidelines on:

    • What is a passivhaus

    • The benefits of passivhaus

    • How to talk about Passivhaus

    Join Kate Nason, Alexia Lidas and Rachael Bernstone as they dives into the launch of our ‘How to Talk about Passivhaus and Benefits Guide’ and discuss:

    • How the conversation has transformed in the Australian Market over the last ten years

    • What we can learn from common mistakes of built environment professionals in talking about the Standard

    • Some of the legal and repurational issues the market has seen from poor management of these areas

    • How we can fast track our business case for Passivhaus without putting in the hard yards! (yes, its possible)

    Featuring on the panel are:

    • Rachael Bernstone, Founder - Sounds Like Design

    • Alexia Lidas, CEO - Australian Passivhaus Association

    • Kate Nason, Frasers Property Development

  • TBC

  • Andy Marlow will walk us through with a clear-eyed look at the Australian construction industry, the interconnectedness of the system and its possibilities for positive change. We’ll join the dots of some of the biggest challenges of our times and present the step changes we need to address them. 

    In this presentation Andy will explore: 

    • How rising house prices are eroding society’s fundamental structures  

    • How our current approach to housing of building low quality and cheap does nothing but fuel a future retrofit market, and poorly impact health and wellbeing. 

    As he examines the downstream issues related to our current housing strategy and products Andy makes it very clear that our linear perspectives on solving problems need an end-to-end solution that recognises the cost of poor-quality homes on health, wellbeing, energy and maintenance.  

  • A great time to mingle with each other and speak to our sponsors and exhibitors.

  • “The benefits of Passive House: unparalleled comfort, healthier living environments, and lower running costs.” — Stephen O’Shea, Head of Sustainable Construction, Cairn 

    Stephen O’Shea is the brave Passivhaus advocate responsible for one of the most significant commercial organisational commitments we have seen to delivering the Passivhaus Standard Globally.  

    Carin Construction are an Irish Property Developer who have recently launched their organisational strategy and commitment to deliver all future projects as Certified Passivhaus projects. 

    This is a huge commitment, particularly from an organisation that have not completed a single Passivhaus Project to date. With 1600 Certified Passivhaus Dwellings in delivery, joining us from Ireland, Stephen O’Shea will take us through a behind-the-scenes understanding of: 

    • How Cairn came to this decision 

    • What has this meant needed to be considered across their organisation and supply chain

    • How they are working with the local market and Governments to ensure Passivhaus is a successful feature on their projects 

    • What are the commercial implications of this from a cost, profit and marketing perspective  

  • We are currently negotiating with a special venue. We estimate the cost will be the same as last year.

    Keep your eyes peeled for the announcement!

> Training sessions - Day One

Thursday, June 19

  • Presented by Australian Glass Group

    • What can attendees do once they learn this information?

      • Identify what exact glazing data is required

      • Know when PH Standards, or NCC Deemed to Satisfy (DtS) standards is to be used

      • Know when Double Glazed Units (DGU) are required vs Triple Glazed Units (TGU)

    • What are they going to understand?

      • Understand the difference in Glazing performance data between PH standards and NCC DtS standards (NatHERS, BASIX and Section J)

      • What Ug/U-Value is

      • What g-value/SHGC is

      • How LowE coatings affect performance and where to put them in a DGU or TGU make up

    • What compliance factors around glazing? NCC?

      • All relevant AS Standards that must be adhered too via the NCC (in either PH or DtS projects)

      • When safety glass is required

      • Maximum sizes of glass allowed for Human Impact and Wind Loads

    • When you mention demonstrating, what are the case studies are you discussing?

      • PH projects supplied by AGG;

        • Glenroy Community Hub, VIC

        • Limestone House, VIC

        • Ferrars & York Apts, VIC

        • German International School, NSW

        • Court House, VIC

        • The Panel House, VIC

Thriving and Jiving - Evening Event

  • After a full day at THRIVE 2025 Conference, keep the energy going with an exclusive sunset cruise! Enjoy fantastic food, drinks, and networking while taking in the stunning views.

    This year we have thought outside the box for an experience to offer, we have hired a boat that will be a 3 hour water cruise!

    This event is open to everyone, including those who can't attend the conference but still want to network. Members & non-members are welcome! Tickets are limited - reserve yours now!


    • Date: 19 June 2025

    • Time: 6:00 - 9:00pm

    • Venue: Australian Boat Charters, Docklands

    Tickets for this event are sold separately


Gold Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

>Program - Day Two

Friday, June 20

  • Tim Ross, is the Principal at Architype in NZ and specialises in the design of Passivhaus buildings. This presentation covers their recent Certified Passivhaus Multi-unit housing projects:

    • Toiora Cohousing Neighbourhood, Dunedin – 21 homes

    • Leith Street Student Accommodation, Dunedin – 19 homes

    • Dunedin City Council Community Housing, Dunedin. – 10 homes

    Travelling to be with us in person, Tim dives into how these townhouses and apartments are the ‘low hanging fruit’ of Passivhaus building typologies by using build cost, comfort and energy consumption data gathered since these projects were completed.

  • Alexx Stuart was diagnosed chronic inflammatory response syndrome” (CIRS) due to a biotoxin exposure this led to her in depth understanding the widespread effects of environmental biotoxin exposure. From this experience her educational platform Low Tox life was born. With an audience of over 65,000 she educates people on toxins in food, environments and cleaning products.  

    A converted Passivhaus advocate, Alexx has personally seen the difference in her health from living in a Passivhaus. She has since publicised her support of the standard having lived the benefits. In her presentation Alexx will provide:  

    • Evidence from healthcare professionals about the impact of biotoxin exposure. 

    • The scale of these issues in Australia compared to other countries.

    • Her experience staying in a Passivhaus compared to a poorly built home as a person who is highly vulnerable and sensitive to her environment. 

    • And an overview of how to use the evidence and case studies to convert more Passivhaus advocates.  

    This builds from last year’s presentation from Merylese Mercieca featuring a health case study and takes the health-based argument into a deeper dive where we will hear directly from the occupant themselves, who has been so passionate that she’s transformed her experience to a life vision and business to help others.  

  • A great time to mingle with each other and speak to our sponsors and exhibitors.

  • The process of urbanization and densification fundamentally alters the physical characteristics and layout of our environment. One well-known consequence of this transformation is the Heat Island Effect, where urban areas experience significantly higher temperatures compared to nearby rural areas. This effect not only impacts outdoor thermal comfort but also increases the energy demand and cooling loads of buildings, leading to higher emissions in cities.  

    Currently, the design industry does not commonly prioritize designing with climate change in mind. When it comes to energy and comfort modelling, buildings are still designed based on outdated historical weather data that is no longer relevant. Furthermore, the historical weather data collected usually comes from non-urban areas like airports, where the Heat Island Effect does not occur. Passivhaus has been acknowledged as a dependable approach for predicting future performance and energy consumption. This reliability largely stems from the quality of the input data provided to the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) and the rigorous quality control adhered to during construction. Nonetheless, the industry has identified that overheating poses a significant risk for Passive House projects, and there tends to be a discrepancy between the estimated cooling and overheating figures produced by models and the actual performance observed in practice. 

    The presentation shows a framework that leverages existing data and modelling tools (Urban Weather Generator, Ladybug tools) to parametrically run different design options to assess the Heat Island Effect under different future weather scenarios to better design for adaption. The study run a sensibility test for hundreds of scenarios to better understand the key design considerations planners and designers need to focus on. 

    Speaker : Pablo Sepulveda

  • Sarah Aubrey is one of Australia’s most respected electrification advocates.  She is a pure force of nature when it comes to sharing and simplifying the facts about accessible, clean energy and electric cars.

    A masterful storyteller and professionally trained voice over actor, Sarah captures the heart of every message with ease and a touch of humour. 

  • A great time to mingle with each other and speak to our sponsors and exhibitors.

  • Rory Hunter is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO of multiple award-winning, sustainable property companies across Australia and South-East Asia. He brings a planet-conscious and people-centred approach to projects including his latest venture - Model, which he founded in 2023 and presently steers as CEO.

    Model is a new, Australian build-to-rent group with a purpose to cultivate places where there is no compromise between taking care of ourselves, each other, and the planet. Built on the pillars of climate action, community building and design innovation, Model delivers thoughtfully designed, secure, connected, carbon neutral homes where health and wellbeing are at the core of the everyday experience.

    Model’s design and philosophy is informed by Rory’s experience as an accomplished hotelier, developer and community builder. This includes establishing and leading SoHo Partners, a group dedicated to creating carbon neutral, mid-rise residential developments. He was also the Founder and CEO of the Song Saa Collective (2005-2021), a mission-driven real estate group, which developed a range of hotels, residential and master planned communities including the award-winning, ethical luxury resort Song Saa Private Island and 230 hectare Song Saa Reserve.

    Rory also founded the Song Saa Foundation in 2013 - an independent NGO dedicated to preserving Cambodia's marine environment. A highlight of the foundation includes creating the country's first ever Marine National Park in partnership with Monaco's Prince Albert. The project’s success saw Rory receive the 2013 National Geographic - Leader in Sustainable Tourism award.

    Rory has a deep commitment to improving the ways in which his industry operates and is dedicated to driving meaningful change for the future. He is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, Global Board Member of the Young Presidents’ Organization Sports and Outdoors Network (2023-2024), member of the Property Council of Australia’s Sustainable Development Committee (2023-2024) and has spoken at prominent conferences including the G20 and Davos.

    Rory is a Harvard Business School graduate and studied the Sustainability and Resilience program at Stanford University. In 2019, he participated in the Harvard Kennedy School’s Global Leadership and Public Policy program. He also holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Sydney.

    APA Chair, Joe Karten interviews Rory to get under the hood take a dive into systemic leadership.

  • Join us as Alexia interviews Passivhaus CEO’s from around the world to provide an update on where Passivhaus is at today.

  • Kieran will present and in-depth look at the design of a large scale, accommodation project where Passivhaus provided the solution to meet the project needs.

    Designed to be scalable, the client wanted a no mould, healthy, robust and safe environment. Kieran will share insights into how design, performance, cost, and constructability goals were balanced achieved and effectively communicated

  • This presentation uses the Bob Marshman Building (BMB) to analyse the benefits and challenges associated with applying the Passivhaus standard to learning environments within a subtropical climate.

    The building, completed in 2024 for the Construction Training Centre, was designed as a living laboratory that explores emergent passive thermal design principles, sustainability, and the impacts of these on construction education pathways. It has been formally certified as Queensland’s first Passivhaus training facility.

    The Deicke Richards architectural team worked closely with the environmental consultant and the engineering and services team to ensure that the resulting built form aligned with the key Passivhaus requirements. Whilst this was the first Passivhaus project for most of the consultants involved, everyone came together as a team to resolve numerous challenges that occurred during the design and construction of the project, including the positioning and sizing of the double glazed, fully thermally broken windows, the challenging detailing of the continuous airtight barrier and double thermal insulation, eliminating thermal bridges and the design of the heat recovery ventilators.

    BMB Fast Facts

    • The building is double insulated and fully wrapped with a membrane to create airtightness. 

    • The building has 0.6 air changes per hour at 50 Pascals (ACH50) of pressure.

    • The build’s total embodied carbon footprint is 141,810kg CO2-e. 

    • BMB cost $6m to build and came in under budget. 

    • 93% of the construction and demolition waste (CDW) was recycled (5.6 tones); 

    • The carbon footprint of the 4 main elements of the building: 

    o Concrete 45,295 kg CO2-e; 
    o Bricks 4,909 kgCO2-e; 
    o Timber frame 14,815 kg Cos-e; and o Plasterboard 5,067 kg  


    • In addition to the carbon credits to secure the concrete, bricks and plasterboard carbon zero performance, CTC planted 5,000 trees to make up for the 5 trees removed. This equates to 110,000 kg CO2-e per year. 

      • 4 bay EV fast chargers saving an estimated 48,000 kg CO2-e annually (48 metric tonnes). 

      • The expected energy savings of BMB are anticipated to be between 50-90% less than a traditionally constructed building of the same size. 

  • A great time to mingle with each other and speak to our sponsors and exhibitors.

  • TBC

  • Concluding day 2 of our Passivhaus conference, our excellent conference committee will round out the event with an overview of the 2 days, thoughts & feedback, favourite presentation etc.

    Committee includes:

    • Merylese Mercieca

    • Marcus Strang

    • Estelle Roman

    • Phil Diver

    • Carlos Acuna

Bus Site Tour -Saturday, June 21

  • This year's THRIVE Site Tour will be held at Berninneit Cultural Centre . The meaning of Berninneit is "Gather Together", and is a Boon Wurrung word selected by the community, following Council's decision to to name the building with a First Nations naming word as an act of reconciliation.

    The Berninneit Cultural Centre has been designed to meet the community's need for artistic and community programs. It features a performing arts space and cinema, a gallery, a library, a historical museum, event spaces, and community meeting rooms, along with the Bass Coast Shire Council's Customer and Visitor Information Service for Cowes.

    Berninneit is operated as part of Bass Coast Cultural Venues. The 260 seat performing arts space and cinema offers a full program of events including new release cinema, music, dance, comedy and theatre, alongside community events and venue hire.

    Construction of this Passivehaus building began in March 2022, and it officially opened to the public on November 2, 2023.


    • Return bus travel from the Melbourne Convention and Entertainment Centre to the BCC

    • A 30-minute presentation by Gregory Rice and Lawrence Le from Inhabit

    • A self-guided tour, allowing participants one hour to explore the entire site

    • Lunch at Hotel Philip Island, located just a five-minute walk from the cultural center. Ticket prices include one meal and a beverage.


    • Architect: Jackson Clements Burrows Architects

    • Builder: McCorkell Constructions

    • PH Consultant: Inhabit

    • Certifier: Detail Green


    Saturday June 21, 2025

    • 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Bus collection from MCEC going to Berninneit Cultural Centre

    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM - 30-minute presentation from Gregory and Lawrence (Inhabit), 1 hour self-guided tour around Berninneit

    • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM - Lunch at Hotel Philip Island, a 5 minute walk from Berninneit Cultural Centre

    • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Bus collection from the cultural centre going back to MCEC


    • Members $140

    • Non-members $165

    **This site tour is exclusively for conference attendees and has limited availability, with only 50 seats available.

    After registration for the THRIVE Conference you may proceed with the Berninneit Site Tour registration, but please note that all registrations will be under approval before you complete the payment. For any inquiries, feel free to contact Issa Bao or the APA Admin.

    Register here

Tickets exclusive for conference attendees

The Brains Trust

Our Conference Committee

Trade Show Exhibitors

  • Bondor® is Australia’s leader in complete thermal building solutions and lightweight architectural panels. More than just the leading manufacturer of insulated panels, Bondor® has unrivalled experience in design assistance and construction.

    As Australia’s only manufacturer, distributor and installer of EPS-FR cored panels, Factory Mutual Approved PIR cored panels and Factory Mutual Approved Mineral Fibre cored panels, Bondor® is in a unique position to be able to offer our customers impartial advice on the right insulated panel solution to meet their needs.

    Founded in the 1950s, Bondor® offers the most comprehensive range of insulated panel products and systems available. As the developer of the original patented Slip Joint which makes the system work, Bondor® is constantly working on solutions for industrial and commercial building customers across Australia.

    Learn more about Bondor.

  • Established in 2009, BINQ is a privately owned Australian company whose influence comes from travelling the globe researching the most advanced window systems, machinery and manufacturing techniques.

    Expanding its business and operations to a national, recognised brand, BINQ has two manufacturing plants located in Melbourne, Victoria, with a combined floor area of over 3,000m2, and is now Australia's largest high-performance window manufacturer.

    As things have evolved, our core company values are built on solid foundations of integrity, trust, and a high focus on customer service, driven by providing value and delivering high-quality products made from quality workmanship.

    Our customer service is geared to exceptional standards at each touch point of the customer journey, with responsiveness being the critical driver right from the first touch point, through the sales process, to scheduling and production and after-sales services.

    Our diverse product offer consists of timber and uPVC window systems catering to a range of both residential and commercial markets in Australia, specializing in high-performing, thermally efficient, architectural window systems.

    Windows have tradionally been viewed as a utilitarian product where a designer has designed a hole in a wall for a window to be installed into, whereas we view windows as much more than that. We view windows as the most important element in a building that has a dramatic impact on the design, aesthetics, functionality, liveability, and performance of a home.

    We've always been very focused on the type of business we want to be and the type of business we want to be known for and it's this clarity that continues to drive the business every day.

    Learn more about Binq Windows.

  • Australian Glass Group (AGG) are glass processors of Insulated Glass Units (IGU), made in Australia at their three glass processing plants; Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart.

    AGG specialise in high performance softcoat LowE IGU, including Double and Triple Glazing, with Passivhaus certified WarmEdge spacers, and argon gas-filled air gaps in all of their units. Passivhaus performance data (EN-673 and EN-410 and PSI values) are available on all of their glass make-ups.

    With locally stocked raw glass at all three plants, AGG can currently manufacturer and supply within 7 days, including the highest performing triple glazed units with Ug values of 0.5, and a full range of g-values to suit any climate.

    Pick up our Passivhaus White Paper at our display and you will also get to see our IGU range as well as feel them in action in our unique HeatBox demonstrations!

  • Industry Leaders For 50 Years

    Engineering Expertise
    Fantech has been at the forefront of fan and acoustics technology by developing and implementing new and innovative products for virtually every air movement and ventilation need, as well as noise attenuation.

    Continuous Improvement
    We have been accredited under ISO9001 since 1992 and more recently ISO9001:2015 - Quality Management System, Fantech maintains high standards of manufacturing and a continuous improvement culture.

    Extensive Manufacturing & Warehousing
    With modern manufacturing plants in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and warehouses throughout Australia and New Zealand, we provide unmatched delivery performance and customer service.

    Excellent Support Services
    With modern manufacturing plants in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and warehouses throughout Australia and New Zealand, we provide unmatched delivery performance and customer service.

    Fantech offers a most comprehensive network of representatives, including offices in all capital cities and regions of Australia and New Zealand, as well as throughout South East Asia.

  • Logikhaus was founded in 2017 and has become Australia's leading supplier of Passivhaus certified Aluclad Timber windows and doors.

    To date, Logikhaus has supplied windows and doors to at least 23 certified Passivhaus projects across Australia, with many more in the pipeline.

    Logikhaus windows and doors are manufactured in Europe, in a state of the art factory covering more that 5000m2, with over 185 employees.

    The Logikhaus success story has been built on:

    • Exceptional quality products with the latest innovative design and technologies

    • Sustainable FSC certified timbers

    • Full product PHPP and NatHERS data

    • Full product testing to Australian Standards AS1288 (glass in building installations) AS2208 (safety glass) AS2047 (air infiltration, water infiltration and structural strength)

    • BAL 40 bushfire certification (AS1530.8.1-2018)

    • Market leading before and after sales customer service

    • 10 years of Passivhaus building knowledge and expertise

    To complement the windows and doors, Logikhaus supplies motorised external zipscreen blinds, for the ultimate in solar heat gain control and privacy.

  • Innovative, yet down-to-earth. Open-minded, yet regionally rooted. Extremely versatile and steady at the same time – this is aluplast. Despite its international success, aluplast still is a family-run business. The company, which now in its second generation, is characterised by flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes.

    Company founder Manfred J. Seitz and his sons Dirk Seitz and Patrick Seitz managed to transform aluplast into one of the most successful companies in its industry in just a few years.

    Four key factors played a major role in its success:

    Innovation: Constant product development and innovation are important to the success of both the aluplast group and its cooperation partners. We analyse current market requirements to create new products that satisfy the demand and meet our customers’ highest expectations. So it is no surprise to hear that our innovative power has been recognised, with aluplast being named one of the Top 100 most innovative SMEs in Germany.

    Partnership: Our customers and partners are at the heart of everything we do. The company headquarters also maintains close partnerships and cooperation with its many different production plants and sales offices all over the world. This enables it to make the most of synergies.

    Flexibility: Although aluplast has gone on to become a key global player, it has managed to retain the positive attributes that are often attributed to SMEs. Flexibility remains one of our greatest strengths. Short communication channels and lean structures allow us to respond quickly to customer demands and market requirements.

    Compatibility: “Compatibility” is the secret ingredient in aluplast's recipe for success. But what does it actually mean? It means that all product ranges can be mixed and matched, making life a lot easier for window fabricators. The company's owners, the Seitz family, have cultivated this philosophy right from the outset, making sure that each new product lives up to this vision.

    Learn more about aluplast

  • Siegware was formed in 2009 to supply Siegenia hardware to the energy-efficient window industry in Australia. Since then we have increased our product range to include other quality brands for a variety of uses, mostly in the building industry. We also supply New Zealand.

    We know our reputation is built on the reputation of both our products and our service. With extensive industry experience, we provide technical expertise and understand the need for reliable supply and superior customer service.

    Siegware is partnered with select world-leading companies. This enables us to stock a range of consumable and construction products, for example Isocell wraps and tapes, Sherpa connectors, Adler low-VOC paints, and Paarhammer certified Passivhaus windows.

    Real value for our customers:

    • Consistent reliable supply with a large stock holding in Australia.

    • Knowledgeable technical support with an extensive and sound knowledge of our products.

    • Superior customer service, stock management system, and order tracking.

    Learn more about Siegware.

  • Pacific Ventilation, a trusted name in ventilation, combines decades of expertise to address your indoor air quality needs. With a robust network of offices, sales teams, and distributors nationwide, we are equipped to provide comprehensive solutions for any ventilation challenge.

    Our offerings include:

    • Fans and Ancillaries: Suitable for commercial, residential, and industrial applications.

    • Attenuation Products: For noise control and enhanced system performance.

    • Air Handling Units (AHUs) and Fan Coil Units (FCUs): Efficient climate control.

    • Plug and Play Car Park Ventilation Systems: Car park design and CFD analysis.

    • Passive House Certified AHUs and HRU’s: Ensuring energy efficiency and sustainability.

    • Online Selection Tools: Streamline equipment selection and drafting with Specifier and our Revit add-in, minimising errors.

    • After-Sales Service and Engineering Support: Dedicated support to ensure project success.

     As a wholly owned subsidiary of the Systemair AB Group, a global leader in HVAC innovation, Pacific Ventilation delivers high-quality products and services with timely delivery and expert support.

  • Pro Clima’s airtightness and weathertightness patented building systems, in combination with effective insulation and appropriate ventilation, create energy efficient, low allergen emitting, comfortable, healthy homes and places of business. Pro Clima’s patented systems also ensure the long term effectiveness of the insulation and the structural durability of the building by protecting it from moisture damage, thereby making sure your healthy, energy efficient and eco friendly environment remains that way for many years in the future.

    Pro Clima is a leader in the field of development and manufacture of intelligent high performance sealing systems for thermal insulation in constructions.

    Pro Clima Australia Pty Ltd was established in 2010 after a number of years of extensive research which identified a need for high quality air and weather tightness products in Australia.

    Pro Clima has been providing intelligent airtight and weathertight building solutions from Germany to the world since 1981. Lothar Moll, Director of Pro Clima Australia Pty Ltd and Pro Clima Germany, is a world leading building physicist and expert on airtightness systems. In 1994 he discovered the MVTR – moisture vapour transmission rate variable membrane, the Intelligent part of INTELLO, which became part of the patented pro clima Intelligent Airtightness System (IAS).

  • Headquartered in Melbourne and servicing all of Australia, Smart SIPs Pty Ltd provides everything needed for High-Performance and Passive House Design and Construction using Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) for Walls, Floors, Roofs, and or Ceilings.

    We will assist homeowners, Architects and Builders with all their SIPs requirements, from Home Design, Working Drawings, SIPs engineering, SIPs consulting, and SIPs panel supply, including SIPs installation training.

    We also supply Passive House certified windows, HRV systems and design services, building wraps and SIPs tapes, so providing you with a one stop external building envelope design and supply. 

    We have approved Builders or will assist to train new Builders and Owner Builders, Architects and Building Designers in the methords of construction using Smart SIPs panels. 

    • Ready to Assemble (RTA) Prefabricated SIPs housing kits

    • Building Design Services for Passive House and Net Zero construction

    • Shop Drawings to convert your Non-SIPs Design for our SIPs Supply Kit

    • SIPs Engineering and Non-SIPs Engineering

    • Panel Layout Drawings for Installation

    • Installation Training

    • OSB SIPs Walls, Floor and Roof panels

    • MgO SIPs Walls, Floor and Roof panels

    • Cement Sheet SIPs Walls, Floor and Roof panels

    • PHPP modelling for Passive House and Passive House Certification

    • HRV System Design and Supply 

    • Passive House certified windows, specification and supply

    • Building Wraps for Walls, Roofs and SIPs Tape 

    • Technical Support for Passive House and Net Zero construction 

Affiliate Partners


> Venue - Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne

  • 1 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006

  • Attendees get a 15% discount to stay at Novotel Melbourne

Hear from Thrive Passivhaus Conference Attendees

  • This event was particularly inspiring as Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) look for ways to futureproof our new and existing school buildings using Passivhaus principals that are both affordable and feasible.

    Sebastian Russell - Infrastructure Services and Capital Delivery, MACS

  • The Passivhaus community attracts the most energised (and inspiring) group of people I know - who all care about the health of people, the health of our buildings, and the health of our planet... who generously share their energy, share their knowledge, their successes and failures, for the benefit of all. The South Pacific Passivhaus Conference "THRIVE" made a big impact, and I look forward to what next year will bring as momentum continues!

    Talina Edwards - ENVIROTECTURE

  • The conference provided excellent opportunities for learning and networking with some of the best in the business. All sessions were very informative. More importantly, I can immediately apply what I learned to my business.

    Kelly Beard - Operations Manager, Emerald Building Services Pty Ltd

  • The best conference I have been to in years! It was incredibly inspirational and a good opportunity to reconnect with the best people in the industry and meet new people. It reminded me of the reason I became an architect in the first place, to create healthy, comfortable and beautiful buildings for people to live, work and play. This is all possible with Passivhaus. Thank you for organising!

    Estelle Roman - Project Architect, Fraser & Partners

  • It was wonderful to learn about the great projects and their positive impacts on people, communities and the environment – their health, well-being, comfort, and energy efficiency as a bonus! A big thank you to the great group of organisers and speakers for sharing your knowledge, expertise and experiences. I’m thrilled to be part of such a great and collaborative community with a common goal to design and build better homes for everyone. I left the conference elevated. See you next year!

    Kresho Srpak - PH Certified Building Designer & Director, Ecocentric Building Design