Want to be a Passivhaus advocate? Volunteer with APA

Volunteering opportunities are opening up for APA Members to help us advocate for a brighter, cleaner, healthier future.

If you're interested to help us educate others on PH, run site tours, and local events please reach out, as very shortly each of our State Chapters will be doing their annual planning.

We respect your time and recognise that our volunteers have day jobs, so the expectations are not onerous as our philosophy is many hands make light work.

Each volunteer in the State Chapter Plan will only being asked to work towards one to two goals per year. The idea is that if our goals are achievable, with many of us working together our accumulative output will release a force of PH goodness across the nation. Why is this happening?

We've received feedback from members requesting structured opportunities to volunteer and engage that are easy to manage amongst work and home life, so here they are.

So join us and come have some fun.

Please note, this is a #memberonly opportunity

Contact admin@passivhausassociation.au to learn more.


You’ve Passed the Certified Passivhaus Designer Exam – Now What?


Meet Australia’s Fourth Passivhaus Certifier - Emilia Iacovino