Description: Passive House Plus
Building Type: Detached suburban house
Location: Riddell's Creek, VIC 3431
Number of Apartments/Units: 1
Treated Floor Area According to PHPP: 144 m2
Construction Type: Standard timber frame
Year of Construction: 2020


Bluegum: This conventional suburban style plan with an integral garage, living areas facing the street and a covered veranda across the rear is enhanced by the use of clerestory glazing.  


This high-level glazing brings sunlight into the living areas (which face away from the sun) and free solar energy which enables the house to achieve Passivhaus Plus. Walls are standard 90mm timber studs with rendered external insulation cladding. The roof is timber trusses with glasswool insulation. The floor is insulated above the slab to eliminate thermal bridges from the structural piers. Window frames are Upvc. More information is available here.

Special Features

Large clerestory glazing was used to compensate for poor solar access to windows. 

The Brief

A tow living room, 3 bedroom , two bathroom house with large veranda and integral garage on a low budget.

Project Members

Architecture: David Halford 5c Sustainable Building Design
Building services: David Halford 5c Sustainable Building Design
Building physics: David Halford 5c Sustainable Building Design
BuildersStuart Lee
Engineers: RMG
HRV: Fantech
Windows: LogikHaus
PH Certifier: Luc Plowman

Thermal envelope

  • Exterior wall: Standard 90mm timber frame with bushfire rated rendered insulation cladding

  • U-value: 0.205 W/(m2K)

  • Basement floor / floor slab: Concrete slab with PIR insulation and particleboard deck above

  • U-value: 0.373 W/(m2K)

  • Roof: Standard timber trusses with glasswool insulation

  • U-value : 0.1 W/(m2K)

  • Window Frames: LogikWin Upvc frames

  • U w-value : 0.9 W/(m2K)

  • Glazing: Triple glazing

  • U g-value : 0.6 W/(m2K)

  • g -value : 5 %

  • Entrance door: LogikWin Upvc door

  • U d-value : 1.4 W/(m2K)

Mechanical systems

  • Ventilation: Zhender, ComfoAir Q350

  • Heating installation: No dedicated heating system other than revere cycle air conditioning

  • Domestic hot: water Sanden Eco Heat Pump split system

Additional information

  • Ecological aspects: Rainwater harvesting. Solar electricity (PHPlus).

PHPP values

  • Air tightness: n50 = 0.5/h

  • Annual heating demand: 16 kWh /(m2a ) calculated according to PHPP

  • Heating load: 10 W/m2

  • PE demand (non-renewable Primary Energy): 72 kWh /(m2a ) on heating installation, domestic hot water, household electricity and auxiliary electricity calculated according to PHPP

  • PER demand (renewable Primary Energy): 34 kWh /(m2a ) on heating installation, domestic hot water, household electricity and auxiliary electricity calculated according to PHPP Generation of renewable energy 54 kWh /(m2a ) based on the projected area.



